Universität Bonn

Research Data Service Center

RDM Tools

Schmuckbild, eine Person erklärt einer anderen Person etwas
© SVG Repo - CC-0


Confluence is a powerful wiki for documentation and knowledge management in projects.

Icon Lab Notebook
© Komkrit Noenpoempisut from Noun Project - CC-BY

Electronic Laboratory Notebook

The Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) RSpace is available to all interested research groups at the University of Bonn.

Schmuckbild, eine Person erklärt einer anderen Person etwas
© boxicons - CC-BY


GitLab is an IT service for collaborative versioning of software or other text-based data.

Schmuckbild, eine Person erklärt einer anderen Person etwas
© Wishforge.games - CC-BY


Currently we are working on setting up the JupiterHub service.

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