Universität Bonn

Research Data Service Center


At the University of Bonn, the topic of research data management is not only being further developed by the Research Data Service Center. The NFDI consortia and the Scientific Advisory Board for Research Data are also relevant.

Schmuckbild, eine Person erklärt einer anderen Person etwas
© Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur

The National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI)

The NFDI consists of a total of 27 consortia for different disciplines that advance the topic of RDM. The University of Bonn is also involved in this process.

conference table
© pxfuel (royalty-free licence)

Advisory Board for Research Data  (WBFD)

The scientific advisory board for research data deals with the strategic development of RDM at the University of Bonn.

© Hartikainen & Karhapää (CC BY 4.0)

What is Research Data Management?

Handouts and introductory information about RDM.

© This image was created with the assistance of DALL·E 2

Research Data Policy for the University of Bonn

Information about the research data policy for the University of Bonn.

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