Zukünftige Termine
Veranstaltungen der Servicestelle Forschungsdaten
- 2025-05-22T10:00:00+02:00
- 2025-05-22T12:00:00+02:00
DonnerstagAll Data Set? An Introduction to Research Data Management for ZEF
Digitization is changing day-to-day research practices across all fields of academic inquiry. Research data of every kind are collected, processed, analyzed, published and archived in digital systems. The term Research Data Management (RDM) refers to a range of activities and topics relating to the handling of (digital) research data. This lecture provides an overview of RDM activities and best practices that come in handy during the research project lifecycle.
- 2025-07-22T10:00:00+02:00
- 2025-07-22T15:00:00+02:00
DienstagResearch Data Management: A Crash Course
Digitization is changing day-to-day research practices across all fields of academic inquiry. Research data of every kind are collected, processed, analyzed, published and archived in digital systems. The term Research Data Management (RDM) refers to a range of activities and topics relating to the handling of digital research data. In this workshop, you will learn about the basics of RDM.
- 2025-09-09T09:00:00+02:00
- 2025-09-09T16:30:00+02:00
DienstagEinführung in das Forschungsdatenmanagement
Die Digitalisierung verändert den Forschungsalltag aller Fachdisziplinen. Forschungsdaten verschiedenster Art werden in digitalen Systemen erhoben, verarbeitet, analysiert, veröffentlicht und archiviert. Der Begriff Forschungsdatenmanagement (FDM) umfasst eine Vielzahl von Tätigkeiten und Themenbereichen, die bei der Handhabung digitaler Daten in der Forschung eine Rolle spielen.
- 2025-09-29T10:00:00+02:00
- 2025-09-29T15:00:00+02:00
MontagResearch Data Management in the Medical Siences: A Crash Course
Digitalization is changing day-to-day research practices across all fields of academic inquiry. This advancement leads to a growing number of immunoscience-related research data collected, processed, analyzed, published and archived, almost exclusively, in digital systems. In this context, the term Research Data Management (RDM) refers to a range of activities and topics concerning the handling of digital research data. Ever wondered what a data management plan is and why care to write one? Ever been unable to open a file, find the most recent version of a file, or worse, lost an important file? Regardless if small or big and transdisciplinary, all projects can generate enough (digital) research data to become confusing and susceptible to loss. This workshop provides you with do’s, don‘ts and best practices that help keep your project data safe, secure and well organized until you are ready to share or reuse it. Start your next project or enhance your current one by introducing RDM!